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About N Scale Enthusiast

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the N Scale Enthusiast!

Our Mission Statement: This organization is dedicated to both preserving the history of and providing education about N Scale Model Railroading and the modeling relationship with prototypical railroads.

To accomplish this, our annual convention is hosted at a new location every year showcasing places of railroading interest all over the USA. The convention further hosts an N Scale public train show with massive operating layouts, vendor demonstrations, and fun for entire families. We support many initiatives to share information with 2 days of in-person clinics held at the annual convention.

Who are the members of the N Scale Enthusiast? Those individuals who are enthusiastic about N Scale Model Railroading! You don’t need to be an expert modeler, an operator, a runner, a collector, or anything else to be a member, you just have to like the scale and want to learn more about it and perhaps share it with people that are like-minded.

NSE Membership Benefits: Members of the organization are entitled to several benefits. Chief among these are the Member Magazine, the annual Membership Car, access to auctions and sales, and discounts on products and conventions. Our annual membership cars are produced by Micro Trains Line exclusively for the NSE. The value on the secondary market has assured us that, if you choose to sell your car, your membership is pretty much free! Our member magazine comes out 5 times a year and features articles ranging from the construction of unique models, through the history of N Scale manufacturers, the latest in manufacturer releases with photos of the actual products, to many more subjects of N Scale interest. As part of our mission of sharing N Scale knowledge, members who contribute articles that are published in the magazine also receive a very unique Author Car as recognition for their efforts.

Special Offerings: The Special Run department of the NSE produces unique rolling stock, scenery items, and locomotives which are offered to everyone, but members get a discount. Our conventions are available to everyone, but members get a registration discount. Members are the only ones who can sell at Trovestar and participate in our Auctions. Additionally, there are unique N Scale items produced by the Special Run department that are both limited in quantity and only available to current members.

Our annual National N Scale convention is the place where long lasting friendships are made and renewed. Each year, from the first convention over 30 years ago to the current convention we have consistently improved our offerings and continue to refine them for the betterment of both the hobby and the attendees. It’s been hard work by a lot of people, but it has been fun. We hope to see you there!

We want you to join us. The N Scale Enthusiast is what we all make of it. We have a lot of information that we love to share, and we would love to add your knowledge to the collective mind. We hope you will join us in educating everyone about the joy of N Scale.

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